Friday, July 19, 2013

Wild Week

What a long and interesting week it's been. VBS was this week at church, and just like last year, it was more fun than I could handle. I helped out with the 2nd graders, after helping with the kindergartens and 1st graders last year. Last year I was in the lime light as I led the way for the story time. This year I was just a helper who tried my best to not take over the class from the assigned teacher.

What was cool about having a chance to be the helper in the 2nd grade class was that the teacher is the wife of a guy who I had as a teacher when I was in high school, my 9th grade science class, if I remember correctly. All those grades and years just run together in my memory. I hadn't known her any but I got to know a lot about her this week which was awesome.

Our theme this year was the Rodeo and on Wednesday they had a horse for kids to get their picture taken with. I had never been on a real horse before so I wanted to experience that and I did. After I struggled to finally get on the horse, I fell when I had to get off and hurt my right leg. I went to the hospital to have it checked out and they said it was just a strain. I've got some bruises on my right arm as well. Needless to say, I won't be getting on a horse anymore. I had my experience and I can now cross that off my bucket list.

I missed Thursday recovering from my strained leg but I was back at it Friday even though I was still struggling with my leg. I was sore and beat up but was able to move around enough to help out. It was another day that seemed to be over as quickly as it started. It was a bittersweet day. I was disappointed it had to come to an end because I just get so attached to the kids. It's something I'm really going to have to work at. I wish I could spend the whole time with those kids because they're so much fun to be around.

On Tuesday I also checked a couple other things off my list in preparing to start at Wallace State in August. I went and took the COMPASS placement test. I have to start out with Math 098 which is 1 level below where I need to be to take Math 101. I am told that most folks that go back to school after being out for a while like myself have to start out with Math 098. I aced the Reading and English parts and start out with English 101 as a result. Orientation is August 15th and my first real class is August 19th. It's exciting and stressful at the same time. Overall it was an awesome week.

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