Saturday, February 21, 2009

I Am So Blessed!

These past couple of weeks have just been completely amazing. I never saw this coming. For the first time ever I was finally fully committed to turning my life over to the Lord. Before when I thought that I had, I never really had. I never let go of those deep dark secrets in the closet.

This time was different though in that I had to come out to someone and get help. I have started getting that help and the recovery process has started and been faster than I thought it would be.

Now I'm no where near where I need to be in my relationship with the Lord but boy am I a ton closer than I've ever been. It's truly rewarding learning and finally understanding the great love our Lord has for me. I have been praying every night for everyone to come to understand that love for themselves. Because until you do you will continue to be lost and lonely in this earthy world.

I never realized the many blessings I have been given in this world. From my wonderful loving God, my family and my very near friends. You all know who you are. I'm saying from the bottom of my heart thank you to my Lord and to my family and to my very dearest friends. May you all receive many, many blessings.

Thursday, February 5, 2009


No one likes to be lonely. That's a fact. God built us so that we would never feel complete all by ourselves. God didn't built us for the sole purpose of finding our soul mate on this earth. Our true soul mate is the Lord himself. He wants us to long and need him. He wants us to cry for him. He wants us to realize that all that even though all material things will one day pass away our relationship with our Lord and Savior will never perish.

It is in this time of great need All Mighty One that I come to you in prayer. That you destroy the doors on my steel trap of a heart and melt me again. That I will feel your presence in this place. That you will lift me up from the fiery pits of hell. Take me and save me oh Lord.

It is in this time that I ask all of my dear friends on this earth to please pray for me and all the sins I have committed and will continue to commit. I am not perfect and never will be perfect nor clean and deserving of the great friendship I have with you. But now is a time I am praying and begging for you all to help me ask the Lord to forgive me and take me back into his kingdom.

Dear Lord, please wash the stains of my sins off this soul you have given me. Make me your child again Father. I don't deserve your gracefulness Lord. You sent your one and only beloved Son to die for me Lord and I am forever grateful. This isn't just for looks. This is for real. I know I say that every time and I am led away from you by my sins. I wish that never happened. I wish I knew I could promise you that it would never ever happen again but I can't. I can only hope that you forgive me each time it does happen. So Lord in closing this prayer please take me and make me whole. I pray this in honor of your Son's Holy name, AMEN!