Thursday, December 28, 2006

Knowing Someone You Love Is Dying

Hey guys please just listen to me. I need someone to talk to. Well here goes. I don't know why life works the way it does but it just does. Nobody understands it but God and that just doesn't help the pain any. Well what I'm trying to say is we just found out my grandma, or granny as the whole family calls her, has stage 4 stomach cancer. Meaning that it is too far gone to be saved. I mean she could just die any day now or could live for who knows how long. But she's in really bad shape right now cause she can't eat anything so they are gonna have to put a feeding tube in her. The doctor said that a man had the same problem and they brought him 14 more months to live. I sure would like to know that I had 14 more months with my granny. I don't understand why this has to happen to my granny. She is the glue that holds the whole family together. Without her the whole family is a mess and don't know what to do. I really don't know what is gonna happen. Well just keep her in your prays and we'll just have to see what happens. Thanks for listening.
Big T

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