Sunday, May 12, 2024

Mother's Day

Today is Mother's Day and I'm just so freaking bitter. I'm angry. I'm beyond angry. Mother's Day for me has been ruined. Sure, I still have my own mom and thankfully cause I'd definitely be up a creek without her. But today should have also been a day to celebrate my wife and the mother of my children and instead she's now my ex-wife and just my baby momma. Ugh. So it makes me bitter, especially since I know come Father's Day not a damn thing will be done for me. No special day. How do I know this? Because my birthday came and went and it was treated like just another day. Nothing special happened. So yeah, I'm angry, I'm beyond pissed and bitter and everything else because I'm selfish and if I don't care about me then who will? Nobody else does so...

This song sums up the way I feel about life today and most days for that matter.

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