Monday, July 8, 2013

Fearfully And Wonderfully Made

14 I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made;
    your works are wonderful,
    I know that full well.
~~~Psalm 139:14

I absolutely love that verse. I love it because it says how special each one of us are to God. How God took the time to make each one of us absolutely special. How each one of us have something about us that is unique to us and no one else.

There are things about me that nobody else can claim and that excites me. It makes me feel like I am the only person in the world at times. When I'm feeling down and lonely all I have to do is remember how special I am to God. How I am the only me there is and will ever be. I just blows my mind that God took the time to do that when he created me.

God created you in the same way. God knew each moment of your life before you ever took a single breath. He knew the highs and lows you would go through in this life. He knew your flaws. He knew your every achievement. The best thing is that he loves us just the way we are because he created us to be who we are.

Now that doesn't mean there aren't some things about us that we don't need to change, be it our attitude, outlook on life, habits, ect. But it does mean that God loves us and that if we want to change those things God will allow us to change those things to become the person he created us to be because we were created fearfully and wonderfully made.

This wonderful worship song really sums it up.

Love Song by New Life Worship

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