Many times we get caught up in our everyday lives and forget the most important part of them. God. Our Lord and Savior. We forget that we aren't put on this earth for the pleasure that most of us enjoy. We are put on this earth to worship the Lord. Not just any Lord but our Lord. The all mighty powerful one.
I'm not trying to single anyone out because I am more guilty of this than anyone else. It's not until I reach the breaking point and think I can't handle all the loneliness that God grabs me back the neck and gives me a good wake up call. Then it all comes rushing back to me. The reasons I asked him into my heart. The reasons he put me in the situations that he put me in. The reasons that certain people were brought into my life. To touch me. To show me. To teach me the way. I take everyone who has ever helped me for granted. I won't try to list them all because if I did I would surely leave someone out and I don't want to leave anyone out. I can say that everyone that I know and consider a dear friend has helped me out a ton. You all know who you are. Even if you don't think you have touched me you have in some way. Many days when all I needed was a hug or just a hello you all were there for me. Many of you touched me on a much deeper level that you will never understand. Even those that have already left us and I didn't realize it until it was too late. I wanna say thank you. I wish I could say that to those others before they left us. I'm sure they are up there understanding and listening to me and are watching me right now.
Whenever you get down in the dumps and feel like you can't take it anymore just remember that our Lord will never leave nor forsake us. He is always there by our sides in the toughest of times. I read that two things can happen in your trials. You can either grow closer to the Lord or push away from the Lord. I think I have finally learned to grow closer to the Lord during the tough times instead of pushing away. The Lord does not say good comes out of all things. He says all things working together for good for those who are his child. Just remember that even if something happens and you can't find the good in it then chances are there probably isn't any good in that particular thing but it's a part of his plan which is for good. That is when we have a decision to make, draw closer to God or push away from him? Please choose to draw closer to God.
I guess that's all for now. Thanks for reading this.
Big T
Thursday, November 27, 2008
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